
April 26, 2014

Giveaway Time!!

A gift for you...

just because I like ya!
In appreciation to all my fellow bloggers and followers, I am hosting a giveaway.  No special holiday, season,  or anniversary...I am giving away all these goodies just because. 

I've always thought I had the best bunch of blog buddies out there.
The way you stop in just to say hi.
The way you always leave a positive encouraging comment.

I know in real life we are mere strangers, people who have never met, but in the blogging world we are friends.  We are people who share the same interest, love the same hobbies, and like to read about the ins and outs of each others days.   Each time I come along and catch up on your posts I feel like I'm learning more and more about you and getting to know you better. That's why I want to give back a little something to you.  The winner of this prize will receive...
Waverly hand lotion, Simple Pleasures liquid hand soap, and a set of six cotton coasters (made by me).
Cheery little cupcake liners.

A pretty Spring bookmark.
 An embellished crochet heart hanger made by me and a Waverly notepad.

And just for grins I am throwing in this little hen hot pad for your kitchen.  

If you would like a chance to win
1. Be a follower of this blog.
2. leave a comment and tell me what your hobby of choice is.

I will let this run for a whole week and then I will draw a winner.

Thanks again for stopping by.



  1. What a lovely post Beca - I'm sure we all feel the same about you and each other! This is a very generous selection of goodies to give and receive and I'd love to have a chance to win them please! My hobby of choice is whatever I'm doing at any given moment - crochet, knitting, quilting, embroidery ... I like to ring the changes and love them all! Wishing you a happy weekend! Joy xo

  2. What a generous giveaway and lovely sentiments about people you have never met, truly touching. I would love to have a chance to win them please. I have many hobbies and like all of them but my top two would be crochet and quilting. Have a great weekend.

  3. I would love to be entered. My favorite hobbies are sewing, reading and crocheting. Thank you for the chance to win.

  4. A beautiful giveaway Beca! My hobby of choice is of course crocheting. :) I enjoy your blog and blogging in general, its a fun way to share and "meet" others who also enjoy similar crafting. Have a good weekend! ~Sarah

  5. Oh, I love your giveaway Beca! My hobby of choice is painting or drawing. I have admired all your crochet/knitting post and have been so jealous I never took the time to learn. It is such a beautiful talent you have. The little dresses only make me wish for a sweet little granddaughter where I can purchase such beauties you make. I love the blogging world making friends was such a bonus once I started to blog. I hope you have a great weekend.

  6. I have been reading your blog for over a year. Every weekend when life slows down just a little bit I come here and read what you've posted since the last time I visited. Today I started officially following you, but I will still keep you on my weekly checklist. I so enjoy your pictures and your sense of style. Crochet is my favorite craft with knitting running a very very close second. I'm happiest when I'm stitching something.

  7. How wonderful! My hobby of choice is jewelry creating. Beads make my heart sing! And I have a huge crush on fabric, too.;) Lori

  8. Beca, you are so right when you say although we are strangers in real life, we are friends who share the same interests....

    Who wouldn't love to win these goodies from you.... These make me drool.... Well I'm your follower and my favorite any given day is crocheting.....

    Have a great weekend.

  9. How kind of you to share such pretty gifts, especially the hand made presents. I follow with Bloglovin, and my favourite hobby depends on the day either sewing, cross stitch, or baking usually.

  10. Let me think...what is my favorite hobby?? Oh yeah, CROCHET! DUH. Hahaha. Nice giveaway, especially the chicken potholder. I love it. Throw my name in the hat please!

  11. What a cute give away. I follow with Bloglovin. My favorite hobby is knitting but I am currently learning how to crochet and it is becoming a close second.

  12. A wonderful giveaway - you have a very generous heart. I am a follower - My favourite hobby would have to be sewing!!!

  13. Happy Sunday Mrs. Beca!.....lovely sweet from you.Gorgeous gifts too.At this moment my favorite hobby is learning knitting.....but I like crafts in general.

  14. Lovely favorite hobby is crocheting....and reading....
    Have a nice week !

  15. Hi Beca, thanks for having the giveaway. I love visiting your blog and seeing each week what you have created be it knit or crochet. I love that you are so creative too and always pick the prettiest colored yarn. I love being your blog friend and my favorite hobby is crocheting. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and week.

  16. Ooh, such a lovely and generous Giveaway, Beca!...Could you pop my name in your hat please? My favourite hobby would have to be knitting....although I do have many!
    Wishing you a happy new week!
    Susan x
    P.S I'm a happy follower and it's always a treat to visit you...x

  17. What a great giveaway Beca :) I love this idea. I would like to take part in it and my hobby of choice is crochet, all day, any day c'',)

    I am already a follower. Hope you have a great week.

    Birgitta xx

  18. What beautiful items for a giveaway. :o)
    What a generous heart you have.
    Thank u for including me.

  19. Eres mujer fuerte
    trabajas sin cesar
    de día y de madrugada
    no sientes ningún pesar
    al tener que levantarte
    a tu hijito cuidar
    ya sea para alimentarlo
    teniendo que amamantar
    o preparar el tetero
    asi te tengas que desvelar,
    ya sea que se enferme
    o que sienta algún temor
    allá estas presente
    ante cualquier clamor
    A la vez eres frágil
    porque reposa en ti
    toda la dulzura
    que en el mundo vi
    Fuerte como leona
    para tus hijos proteger
    frágil como cristal
    cuando toca querer
    por eso Madre
    te pago con amor
    eres lo mas bello
    que ha hecho el Creador

    Que seas muy feliz en este dia amiga mia!!!
    Con cariño Victoria

  20. Hola no puede ser mas linda esa gallinita!!! ♥ bellos todos tus trabajos besitos.


Your thoughts and comments are appreciated. I take time to read each and every one and will do my best to return the visit.