
October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween...

I know I'm late but I just wanted to share a quick Halloween greeting.
Oldest daughter P is the only one who dressed up. She works at a charity shop downtown and they participated in Safe Trick or Treat this weekend.
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 We don't do much for Halloween now that our kids are older.  I did buy a big bag of
 chocolates last week.   We ate it pretty quick.  It only lasted a few days.  I suppose I should 
go buy some more in case we get a few Trick or Treaters.  I'm not expecting any since we
 live on the edge of town but you never know.  Maybe some of the neighborhood kids will
 come by.  I think I better make it to the store soon.
Please don't share or Pin any pictures of my family

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween.


  1. Happy Halloween to you too. We don't really bother much with Halloween and rarely get any trick or treaters. Although I do always have some treats just in case, we generally end up eating them ourselves.

  2. Oh, how cute is your daughter? We never get trick or treaters, but I do love to decorate and light the pumpkins! Happy Halloween! x Karen

  3. Hello Beca, I hope you had a Happy Halloween. We had about 40 trick or treaters and now I have a small bowl left of candy chocolates. Take care and have a nice week. :) Julie xo


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